Day One Workplans and Chcklists
id | ProgID | Item | Description | Level | VisibilityLevel | Swimlane | Subtrack | DueDate | OriginalDueDate | EndDate | TargetStartDate | StartDate | Updates | Duration | PercentComplete | OwnerPrimary | OwnerFunctional | AssociateDeliverable | AssociatedMilestone | AssociatedDate | AssociatedPhase | StatusRaw | Source | CreatedOn | CreatedBy | ModifiedOn | ModifiedBy | Priority | Area | ReportingEntity | Category | FileDirectoryLink | Predecessors | IncludeInChart | IncludeInReport | OwnerPTitle | OwnerFTitle | SwimType | Status | Slip | Delay | PastDue | DueSoon | ClosedRecently |
14 | PLN-014 | tempor incididunt ut | t cupidatat non proident; sunt in culpa q | Milestone | IMO | Comms Culture & Change Mgmt | n/a | 07/25/2022 | 07/25/2022 | 11/30/-0001 | 11/30/-0001 | 11/30/-0001 | cing elit; sed do eiu | 49 | Test Member | Test Member | Day One | Not Started | 11/30/-0001 12:00 AM | Test Member | 11/05/2022 06:44 AM | Test Member | Low | Division 1 | Knowledge & Skills | 0 | 0 | Platform | Off Track | 0 | 867 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ||||||||||
40 | PLN-040 | olore magna aliqua. Ut | e irure dolor in reprehenderit i | Milestone | IMO | Value Capture / Synergy | Account Management | 09/15/2022 | 09/15/2022 | 11/30/-0001 | 11/30/-0001 | 11/30/-0001 | t; sed do eiusmod te | 53 | Test Member | Test Member | Day One | Off Track | 11/30/-0001 12:00 AM | Test Member | 11/05/2022 06:44 AM | Test Member | Medium | Shared Services | Systems & Tools | 1 | 1 | Platform | Off Track | 0 | 815 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ||||||||||
53 | PLN-053 | lamco laboris nisi u | nderit in voluptate velit esse cillum | Milestone | SteerCo | Op Model | Supply Chain | 11/15/2022 | 11/15/2022 | 11/30/-0001 | 11/30/-0001 | 11/30/-0001 | or sit amet; consectetur adipi | 56 | Test Member | Test Member | Day One | Not Started | 11/30/-0001 12:00 AM | Test Member | 11/05/2022 06:44 AM | Test Member | Critical | Group 1 | People & Org | 1 | 0 | Platform | Off Track | 0 | 754 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ||||||||||
58 | PLN-058 | rud exercitation | ate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla | Deliverable | SteerCo | 12/15/2022 | 12/15/2022 | 11/30/-0001 | 11/30/-0001 | 11/30/-0001 | abore et dolore magna al | 23 | Test Member | Test Member | Day One | At Risk | 11/30/-0001 12:00 AM | Test Member | 10/27/2022 12:18 PM | Test Member | Critical | Group 1 | People & Org | 1 | 1 | Off Track | 0 | 724 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |||||||||||||
395 | PLN-395 | test D1 task | Task | Workstream | FP&A | n/a | 03/03/2023 | 03/03/2023 | Greg Hong | PLN-014 | Day One | Not Started | 02/15/2023 08:47 PM | 02/15/2023 08:47 PM | Function | Off Track | 0 | 646 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
VisibilityLevel | Swimlane | Subtrack | OwnerPrimary | AssociateDeliverable | AssociatedMilestone | Area | ReportingEntity | Category |
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Day One Required Decisions, Actions, and Issues
id | ProgID | Item | Description | Type | Priority | ReportingEntity | Swimlane | Subtrack | VisibilityLevel | DueDate | OriginalDueDate | EndDate | Updates | Resolution | PercentComplete | NextSteps | OwnerPrimary | OwnerFunctional | AssociateDeliverable | AssociatedMilestone | AssociatedDate | AssociatedPhase | StatusRaw | Source | RaisedOn | RaisedBy | CreatedOn | CreatedBy | ModifiedOn | ModifiedBy | IncludeInReport | ImpactLevel | Likelihood | Escalation | Area | Category | FileDirectoryLink | UpdatedBy | Sequence | OwnerPTitle | OwnerFTitle | SwimType | Status | Slip | Delay | PastDue | DueSoon | ClosedRecently |
4 | LOG-004 | Pricing tiers for western region | Due from CMO | Decision | n/a | Strategy | 10/03/2022 | 09/30/2022 | 09/29/2022 | Test Member | Test Member | Day One | Completed | 11/30/-0001 | 09/04/2022 12:00 AM | Test Member | 08/21/2023 04:02 PM | Test Member | Test Member | Function | Completed | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | LOG-008 | Decision import test 1 | xclj lf sldf k | Decision | BU 1 | Product & Engineering | Communications | 10/27/2023 | 02/22/2023 | Greg Hong | Day One | Not Started | ASSMEBLE_IMPORT_Manual | 09/09/2022 12:00 AM | WP User2 | 08/21/2023 04:02 PM | Test Member | Assets & Resources | Integration Exec / Lead | CPO | Function | Off Track | 247 | 408 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Item | Type | Swimlane | DueDate | OwnerPrimary | Status | DueSoon |
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